103: Finding “Our” Path

No two life paths are the same, and this is also true with spiritual ones. Here at Latter-day Faith, we talk a lot about “inner work” and practices that are often associated with Christian mysticism. Yet, as Marty Erickson, this week’s guest, points out, not everyone wrestling with Mormonism or struggling to discover their own spiritual way relates to a mystic’s path. Where are they to go? How might they discover the spiritual practices and stories and journey that is right for them? 

This episode discusses certain ideas that might prove helpful in this discovery process, but even more than that explores such liminal spaces–their difficulties as well as the gifts of the wrestle. Toward the end, Marty draws wonderful and illuminating parallels between spiritual and social justice work.

You will love this conversation! Listen in!



Emily Esfahani Smith, “There’s More to Life than Being Happy,” TED talk, September 2017

Thomas Wirthlin McConkie, Navigating Mormon Faith Crisis: A Simple Developmental Model (Mormon Stages, 2015)

Rick Jepson, “Godwrestling: Physicality, Conflict, and Redemption in Mormon Doctrine,Sunstone, November 2005

3 thoughts on “103: Finding “Our” Path”

  1. Dan you mentioned fireside events and would love to get information to attend. I came upon your podcasts through Philip McLemore and your spiritual concepts in the LDS faith interests me because of my journey with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

    1. Dan Wotherspoon

      Hi Kirk! I will have you (at the email address this comes from) added to our email lists for learning about upcoming events. I am only seeing this now, dang it, or you would have gotten an invite to the virtual firesides we had a few weeks ago (but the subject of which is my newest episode and will also be next week’s episode.

      Thanks for reaching out! Hope to meet you at least through Zoom soon!

  2. Hi Kirk,

    We’ll announce our next fireside early next week, somewhere around April 5th, to be held Thursday, April 21st and Sunday April 24th. We have not yet decided on a topic. Please stay tuned!


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