6/20 & 6/23 June Fireside: Finding Your Way/Open Topics

Thursday, June 20th
Sunday, June 23rd
7-9 Mountain Time
Hosts: Dan and Mark
Participants: YOU!

This month’s fireside is an open discussion, with topics open to you, as you find your Way on your faith journey.

As I thought about Dan’s suggestion of “Open Topics” for our fireside, I realized that on our faith journey, there are many “Ways” to find meaning, purpose, or whatever serenity we seek as we explore faith. Lao Tzu said, “The way we traverse is definitely not a fixed, rigid way,” implying that it changes and varies, perhaps in as many ways as there are people in the Journey. A Zen expression captures this: “There are may paths to the top of Mount Fuji.”

So maybe this month it’s time to take stock on our faith journeys, Perhaps openly exploring what’s on your mind. We might contemplate some questions in our minds before this fireside, such as:

  • What is working for us in our journey?
  • What is no longer working for us?
  • How have our relationships changed as a result of our journey?
  • Where do we find the greatest peace?
  • What gives us the strength to continue?
  • Is there a “light at the end of the tunnel? (Or is it a train?)
  • What’s on your mind?
  • What do you now know? (thank you, “At Last She Said It”!!!)

As always, the above questions are just suggestions. Since this is an open topic, let’s talk about what you want to talk about. We’re pretty sure it will be an engaging discussion!

Click below to sign up! We look forward to seeing you there!

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