147: The World of Jesus and His Central Message

Latter-day Saints the world over are studying the New Testament this year. Much of value can be gleaned from following the Come Follow Me lessons and questions, but it falls quite short for those wanting to explore Jesus from wider perspectives. 

This episode, our first of 2023, teases a few of these additional perspectives as our guest, Mark Crego, examines the religious and cultural setting of Judaism during Jesus’s time, as well as in the regions in which he taught. Who were the Sadducees, Pharisees, Scribes, Essenes, Zealots, etc.? How did they form? What did they emphasize? What are their key teachings and motivations? In getting to these questions he takes us through the history of Judaism as it emerges from captivity, often quite changed from its leaders’ encounters with Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Zoroastrian philosophies and teachings. It’s a fascinating ride!

The final third of the episode discusses what both Mark and LDF host Dan Wotherspoon believe is the key teaching of Jesus and the importance of keeping it in mind as we interact in Sunday School classes, as well as with family, friends, and others who we encounter.

Enjoy! We think you will

Links: Forthcoming

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